From Marv Ross, playwright, composer and lyricst:
"I've been busy coping by writing a new musical comedy that makes me hopeful, happy, sane, and inspired. You probably guessed it's about dogs. Can two misanthropic predators sharing an apartment and 84% of their DNA co-exist without all Hell breaking loose? Will the prophetic warnings sung by the Dog Greek Chorus be heeded by the unsuited pair? And who rescues who when when we adopt a mutt? These questions and more shall be addressed June 13-15 when the first staged readings of 'Marvin's Rescue' are presented at Bridgetown Portland Musical Theater in downtown Portland. "
STAGED CONCERT READING of a NEW musical by Marv Ross!
"Maybe you should get a dog. They'll love anyone."
Auditions by submission only (scheduled for March 23, 2025)
Rehearsals scheduled for:
June 2-12, 2025 (evenings and weekends) - at Bridgetown
Performances: Friday 6/13 7:30pm / Saturday 6/14 2pm / Sunday 6/15 2pm
An honorarium of $200 is paid to the performers.
1. MARVIN 30-40ish male (lyric baritone)
2. SAM THE DOG 25-45yrs male (baritone)
3. JACKIE & SHELTER WORKER female 35-40
4. IZZY female 35-55 yrs (mezzo-soprano)
5. MOOSE male 25-40yrs (baritone)
6. BELLA female 20-35YRS (alto) also plays 'COCO'